It was only a few years ago that a lot of people hoped Palm’s WebOS would
be the next big thing in the smartphone market. Unfortunately, the operating
system proved to be unpopular and HP eventually purchased Palm and the operating
system with big plans of building tablets powered by WebOS. The tablets proved
unpopular leaving HP with a huge amount of money spent on Palm and very little
return on that investment.
Word has surfaced that HP has finally sold WebOS and LG has purchased the
operating system. It seems LG has no plans to use WebOS in the tablet or
smartphone market, rather the company plans to use the operating system to power
smart TVs. The purchase not only gets the operating system, but some engineering
talent behind the scenes as well.
There is still some confusion on the deal between LG and HP. Last year HP
spun off most of the remaining members of the WebOS software team to a new
company called Gram. It’s unclear at this point if Gram is now owned by LG or
whether it will remain part of HP.
With WebOS having failed at every turn over the years, its success as a
smart TV operating system is far from guaranteed. All we know this time is that
LG now owns the source code, all related documentation, engineers, and websites
relating to WebOS. Only time will tell if LG’s purchase was a good idea. There’s
no indication of what the deal is worth at this time.